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  • If You Don't Have Six Pack Abs, This Sales Manager Will Fire You

If You Don't Have Six Pack Abs, This Sales Manager Will Fire You

Andy Elliot is the sales trainer you didn't know you needed.

Yeah, you read that right.

This sales manager says he’ll fire you if you don’t have six-pack abs.

The guy behind this viral video is a sales guru named Andy Elliott. If a Navy Seal had a baby with a motivational sales speaker, it would be Andy.

He’s a juiced-up, intimidating bald dude who’s great at getting attention. His core business is a sales training agency where he trains sales teams at other businesses and sells online sales courses.

He originally got his start as a car salesman and claims he was the top producer, making millions per year.

Just like any great viral video, Andy’s “six-pack” video got a lot of people talking.

Check it out 👇️ 

In the video, Andy says:

I'm going to tell you this, my entire company, my entire team, if you don't have a six pack, you don't work for us.

I can’t tell if I hate this guy or love him… probably a mixture of both.

He continues with:

You know, there's some people in this room that said, ah, I would sue my company if they told me I had to have a six-pack. We know you would. That conversation was for the one-percenters. That wasn't for you.

This guy’s nuts, right? Idk.

As I go down the rabbit hole of his Instagram reel feed, I can’t help but get kind of fired up.

Do I think he really means most of it? No.

But I think he’s looking for reactions, and he's definitely getting them.

Well done Andrew.🫡 

But I couldn’t stop there. I needed to see what this guy’s business and sales courses were all about. So I jumped over to his website and clicked on the first course I could find, the “100 to $400 Training Course“. The sales page looked about as spammy as you’d imagine, and had about 5 buy now buttons labeled “Yes! Surge my commission NOW!”.

So of course, I had to click on it.

I filled in some fake information to find out how much it costs ($599 btw), but realized I accidentally auto-filled my real phone number.

And as you’d expect, 5 minutes later I got this text:

I can’t even be mad. This system is crisp. They’re selling from all angles, and never missing a chance to follow up.

Even though most of these course sellers feel a bit spammy, I think B2B companies can learn a lot from them.

These guys will hit you from every channel, and follow up until they get an answer. Meanwhile, some B2B sales reps are giving up after 3 cold emails.

Maybe more software companies need a guy like Andy on the sales floor, screaming about how much of a failure they all are because they don’t have a six pack, can’t bench 225, and wear a stupid looking Patagonia vest into the office every day.

I don’t know. Just a thought.