Are sales reps actually using AI?

The 2023 State of AI in Sales

Happy Spider-Man Day! Here’s to slinging unwanted emails and cold calls across the web like it’s our job…. because it is. 🙃 

In today’s Follow Up:

  • Are sales reps using AI? 🤖 

  • Sales in the news 🗞️

  • Sales weapon of the day 🛠️

  • Cool jobs at cool companies 📞 

Sales Fact of The Day

More than half (56%) of sales representatives feel that lead quality has stayed the same or gotten worse from 2021 to 2022.

Source: Hubspot

Are Sales People Actually Using AI?

“AI” this… “AI” that

Is it possible to have a conversation in 2023 without someone mentioning the word “AI”?

Probably not.

But it’s hard to deny AI’s impact on how we work and how we sell.

We covered how the reps at Amazon are selling AI.

But, how much are sales teams using AI? 

And, how will it play a role in their future strategy?

Well, you’re in luck.

Our buddies at Salesloft just released their 2023 State of AI in Sales Survey, where they polled over 500 U.S.-based sales execs to understand their current roadblocks and how AI can improve the sales process.

Your cool, good-looking, chiseled jawline, 6ft (with shoes on), sales bestie is here to serve up the juiciest stuff from the report. Let’s get into it 🧃 

Are sales teams using AI?

  • 95% of organizations are currently using AI in sales in some capacity.

  • 84% have used generative AI in sales in the past year.

  • 97% say it is important to work with tech vendors that have an AI strategy.

The answer is an overwhelming yes. 

According to the survey, here are the 5 big things you nee to know:

1. Sales Teams are Burning Out

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows in the world of sales right now…

  • 86% of executives are noticing an increase in burnout and turnover on their sales teams.

Salespeople are overwhelmed by two main factors: the number of software tools they need to use, and non-selling activities (like logging your calls in Salesforce 😉).

2. Sales Execs are Confident in The Accuracy of AI

98% of execs say they are confident in the accuracy of AI prediction & analysis.

Sales execs trust AI. 🖖

And they plan to use AI for prioritizing activities, increasing productivity, and improving lead generation.

3. AI Solutions Will Work Along Side Sales Reps

No need to worry. Sales leaders aren’t planning to replace their sales reps with AI (at least for now).

Over half of the survey’s execs say that AI will play a collaborative role with sales reps, working like their personal assistant.

AI is expected to take over repetitive tasks (like logging call to Salesforce), that will allow sales reps to focus on higher-value activities (like actually closing deals 😉 ).

4. Sales Leaders are Not Confident Their Sales Team Can Hit Their Goal

Only a third of sales execs are very confident in their team’s ability to reach its sales goals this year… which means the other 67% of sales teams aren’t confident in hitting the goal.

It’s unclear if this has more to do with confidence in their team or the general economy, but either way, it’s not a good sign.

This year, sales execs are mainly focusing on improving customer retention and increasing sales revenue and productivity.

5. Sales Execs Want to Work With Tech Vendors That Have an AI Strategy

Maybe this explains why 110 public companies mention “AI” on their Q1 earnings calls this year. 😂 

AI is in 👍️. Crypto is out ✌️ .

97% of execs say it’s important that their technology vendors have an AI strategy, and 98% say they’re likely to choose vendors that have an AI strategy.

So if you’re selling to sales leaders, make sure you drop “AI” in your sales pitch at least a few times.


  1. Sales teams are burning out and executives are looking at AI to solve this.

  2. The majority of executives say their sales teams are already using generative AI, and are confident in the AI’s accuracy.

  3. AI solutions will get rid of repetitive tasks, and work in collaboration with sales reps (not replace them).

  4. Two-thirds of execs aren’t confident their organization will hit their sales goals.

  5. Sales executives want to work with tech vendors 
that have an AI strategy.

Final thoughts: AI isn’t taking your sales job anytime soon, but sales reps who leverage it well, will dominate in the upcoming era.

Do you use AI for your sales job?

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Sales Tip of The Day

Try using valuable videos or articles in your personalized cold emails:


Hey Joe - I saw you’re hiring a few new reps on your sales team and thought you’d find this video interesting {insert video}.

Are you working with any vendors to help with your hiring?

This shows the prospect you actually did your research and leads the conversation with value.

Sales in the News

Sales Weapon of The Day

Bardeen: A Google Chrome plug-in that automates manual tasks like sending meeting reminders, adding people to a CRM, or getting the social profiles of all meeting participants. All in one click.

Cool Jobs at Cool Companies

In partnership with Repvue

A word from our LinkedIn Influencers:

As this study says, humor is a sales rep’s secret weapon 🗡️ 

Sales Meme of the Day

And that’s a wrap!

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