Does Being Funny Help You in Sales?

Ping pong tables, pizza parties, and comedians.

Happy World Listening Day! This is your reminder to listen more than you talk on your calls today. Reps who listen more, sell more.

Now… hear us out 👂️ 

In today’s Follow Up:

  • How being funny can help your sales career 🤣 

  • Sales in the news 🗞️

  • Sales weapon of the day 🛠️

  • LinkedIn Influencers & Memes 🖼️ 

Sales Fact of The Day

Sales reps spend as long as 11 hours each week searching for information that should be included in their training

Source: Spekit

Does Being Funny Help You in Sales?

Keith Hmieleski, a professor of entrepreneurship at TCU wanted to know…

How do startups deal with the pressure of being a startup?

Ping pong tables in the office? Cold brew on tap? Pizza party’s…? 🤔

To find out, Hmieleski emailed the CEOs of 2,000 privately held companies that were founded less than five years ago and asked them to rate the accuracy of a series of statements such as

  • “Team members use amusing stories to defuse conflicts.”

  • “The demand for our products/services is difficult to predict.”

Keith got back 179 responses and found a correlation:

Teams that use humor to ease pressure average $300K in sales per employee.

Teams that don’t use humor average just under $50K in sales per employee.

Every team faced uncertainty, but it was how they dealt with it that gave them such different results.

He’s not saying every team that uses humor will see the same financial results above, but he did say:

“It is very reasonable to say that [startups] that use humor to cope with stress associated with uncertainty are likely to achieve more favorable performance outcomes than those that do not.”

- Keith Hmieleski

So… what does humor actually look like on the sales team?

Keith gives an example where a startup’s competitor releases a new product that is clearly better than theirs. This situation leaves most teams wondering what to do, or which direction to go in.

Most teams do one of two things:

  1. Get stressed out, argue about what to do next, and create a hostile environment.

  2. See the humor in the situation, and encourage every team member to give their ideas on what to do next.

If you’ve been following along, you know by now that option 2 is the one that will yield the best results. The study found that teams using humor not only closed more sales but were able to decrease serious conflict within the team.


  • Humor wins. Teams that use humor will not only close more deals, but they’ll also create a better work environment.

  • Using storytelling along with humor helps you build rapport with prospects, leading to more commission closed deals.

  • Lighten up a lil bit. Sales ain’t life & death. Keep it light and loose. High-stress, high-pressure environments make employees more prone to error, poor work performance, and burnout.

  • Have a good relationship with your team members so that when things do get bad, you can make light of the situation. After all, nothing’s usually as bad as we think it is.

Do you crack jokes on calls with prospects?

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Sales Tip of The Day

Make it obnoxiously clear to your prospect that you’ve done your homework on them before the call.

By the time you get on a scheduled call, you should know:

> How long they’ve been with the company

> What companies they’ve worked at before.

> Exactly what their company does, etc….

People want to feel special and understood.

By showing them you’ve done in-depth research before the call, you’ll have a much easier time building trust and rapport.

Sales in the News

  • A former Amazon leader explains why tenure doesn’t get you promoted. It’s all about the value and results you produce.

  • Make your sales team more productive by finding the “watermelons”. Aka, the numbers that look good (green) on the surface but tell a different (red) story on the inside.

  • Why intent data isn’t always a “buy signal”, and what sales teams should be doing to discover if companies are really looking to buy.

  • From Reddit: What is the end goal for salespeople?

Sales Weapon of The Day

Closely: Automated LinkedIn campaigns to grow your network and pipeline on autopilot.

Cool Jobs at Cool Companies

A word from our LinkedIn Influencers:

#ItCouldaBeenAVideo 📹️ 

Sales Meme of the Day

And that’s a wrap!

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