The Tony Robbins Sales Method

His secret to making people buy $10K tickets to his show, and feeling good about it.

Good Morning. March Madness kicks off today, with 16 games across the men’s and women's tournaments. According to the NCAA, the odds of creating a perfect March Madness bracket are 1 in 9,223,372,036,854,775,808, which makes our 2 in 100 odds of booking a meeting from a cold call look a lot better. 🏀 

In today’s Follow Up:

  • Sell like Tony Robbins 🗣️ 

  • Sales tip of the day 🧠 

  • Sales around the internet 💻️ 

  • Sales jobs, job market & a meme 😂 

The Tony Robbins Sales Method

For today’s topic, we went deep into the archives and found something magical. 

What is it, you ask? A 30+ year old video of Tony Robbins giving a master class on how he sells. 

Tony isn’t necessarily known as the “sales guy”, but he can sell just about anything. He convinces people to pay $10K+ to attend his live shows, and is involved in 100+ companies that generate over $7 billion per year.

And the secret to his success is… persuasion. 

In the video, Tony breaks down persuasion and selling into two simple things. 

1. Identify the “Buying State” 😃 

Everyone has a buying state.

It’s the state or feeling when they’ll say yes, and feel good about making a purchase. 

In this state, they’ve already decided that they need or want something, and just need to be told about the right product to buy.  

2. Anchor Your Product Into The State ⚓️ 

Once you’ve got them in their “yes” or “buying” state, you need to anchor your product into it. 

Tell them why your product fulfills their wants or needs, and why they can’t live without it.

Boom. That’s it. Sales = easy.   

But let’s be real. It’s not that easy. 

You don’t just snap your fingers, put someone in a “buying state” and magically sell your product to them. (Although, that would be pretty sweet.)

So luckily, Tony walks us through what it actually takes to get someone into a buying state and close the deal.

1. Rapport 🤝 

Get them to talk about themselves and be sincere about the questions you ask.

Rather than telling them about why your product or service is so great, you need to enter their world. Ask what they care about. Find out what matters to them.

When you build sincere rapport you’ll be shocked at the information they’ll reveal. This is when they’ll enter their “buying state”.

2. Logic and Reason 🧠 

The basics of your product or service. This is the easy stuff to get out of the way.

What features does it come with, when does it happen, etc. 

3. Attack & Confess 👊 

This is the time to overcome objections, get them to agree, and keep them in the “buying” state.

Attack: If this solves your biggest problem, is it safe to assume you could find the budget?

Confess: I wasn’t sure if this was a fit to begin with, but now that we’ve gone through everything, I believe our solution is exactly what you’re looking for. Do you agree?

Keep them in the ‘yes” state.  

4. If You Don’t 😨 

 Dig into their fears. People take more action from fear of loss than opportunity of gain. 

What happens if you don’t do anything? 
You wouldn’t want that to happen, right?

5. Solution 💡 

Paint the picture of what life will be like once they finally have your solution. 

“Imagine when you have this implemented… no more XYZ. It’s going save you 10 hours of work every week, and allow you to start that new project you told me about.”

6. The Close 🤑 

Tony’s secret to closing = congruency.

Asking for the sale shouldn’t feel like a record scratch. It should feel like a flow in the conversation where it’s already obvious they’re going to buy, and now it’s time to make it official. 

All I need from you is a signature on this doc, and then I can go ahead and get the invoice written up.

Hook. Line. Sinker.

Do you think you can put someone into a "buying state"

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Sales Tip of The Day 💡 

When a prospect says they’ve already tried a solution similar to yours and it didn’t work, dig deeper.

🗣️ We already tried XYZ in the past and it didn’t work for us.
 Totally understand, and sounds like we might not be a fit. Just to understand a bit better, when you tried XYZ in the past, what didn’t work about it?

From there you can explain how your solution is different or disqualify them because they’re not a good fit.

Sales in the News 🗞️ 

Remote Sales Jobs 💼 

Checking In On The Job Market

1.5 years later… 🤣 

Sales Meme of the Day

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