How to Stop Getting Ghosted by Your Prospects

3 ways to make sure your prospects can't ghost you

Good Morning. Yesterday was Valentines Day and Americans spent an estimated $25.8 billion on Valentine related things. That’s enough to buy eBay (the entire company), and still have an extra $3 billy to go shopping with. Shoutout to jewelry salespeople, aka - the real winners of Valentine’s Day. 💸 

In today’s Follow Up:

  • How to stop getting ghosted 👻 

  • 25 classic sales letters ✍️

  • Sales tip of the day 🧠 

  • Sales around the internet 📰 

  • Sales jobs and memes 😂 

How to Stop Getting Ghosted

Getting ghosted sucks.

You get the attention of your prospect and set up the first call. Everything’s looking good. And then… silence.

You just got ghosted.

Yep, ghosting doesn’t just happen after a bad date. It’s one of the most common reasons to lose a sale.

92% of sales reps say they consistently get ghosted for no apparent reason, and roughly one out of five prospects will ghost you. That’s 20% of all opportunities disappearing into the abyss, with no explanation.

So to figure out how to avoid it, we sent the intern on a mission to find the best ways to stop the “ghost”.

Let’s dive in. 👇

1. Use an Upfront Contract 📃

An upfront contract is a key step in the Sandler Sales method. 

It’s about creating an agreement and setting expectations during your first meeting.

The upfront contract should include: 

  • The agenda of the meeting.

  • What they should expect from you.

  • What you expect from them. (Aka, plz don’t ghost me).

The upfront contract is an opportunity to make them agree to not ghost you during the sales cycle. 

For example: “If at any point you decide you will not be moving forward with us or decide we are not a good fit, let’s agree to make it known to avoid unnecessary follow up’s. Sound fair?”

Any news is better than getting ghosted.

2. Use Multithreading ⛓️

If one channel doesn’t work, try another. LinkedIn, texting, Facetime, etc. 

It’s estimated that the average office worker gets over 120 emails per day. That’s a lot of emails to respond to, and sometimes they need that extra push or reminder.

Using another platform allows you to get out of their inbox and reach them in a different setting.

According to LinkedIn’s research on top sellers, the reps who multithreading were 13% more likely to close the deal.

Hit em’ from all directions.

3. Set Up a Drip Campaign 💧

You’ve given it your all, and you’re still being left on read.

It might be time to set it and forget it… and this is where a drip campaign comes in.

A drip campaign is an automatic email sequence that will drop an email every few weeks (or whatever timeframe you choose). It’s a simple way to let your prospect know you still exist, and indirectly remind them they haven’t gotten back to you.

Businesses that use drip campaigns generate approximately 80% more sales.

It’s a great opportunity to send over a relevant article or insight and stay top of mind with your prospect. Make it light-touch, like “saw this and thought you’d find it interesting.” 

When done well, it can build goodwill with your prospects and make them want to respond.

Set it up once, and let the tech do the work. 


  1. Upfront contracts: Get them to agree to expectations (of not ghosting you) during your first meeting.

  2. Multithreading: When they stop responding on one channel, try another.

  3. Drip campaigns: When all else fails, set it and forget it. Stay in touch with the help of technology.

What is your favorite way to avoid getting ghosted?

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Steal these 25 classic sales letters

Stop writing every damn email from scratch. That’s essentially the opposite of self-care, and we can’t bear to see you suffer. 

Here’s a pack of proven sales letters for first-touch, follow-up, and breakup communications — including a “last call” email with a 33% response rate, and a drip campaign that closed $100k in a month

Use what already exists before you hit another inbox.

Sales Tip of The Day 💡 

Before you ask for the sale, use a ‘trial close’ question to test the waters.

> Will you be ready to move forward on {insert date}?
> Is the price point doable for you?
> What are the next steps to move this forward?

A ‘trial close’ question allows you to gauge the interest of your prospect, without trying to close them.

And if the trial close questions are positive, ask for the sale.

Sales in the News 🗞️ 

Remote Sales Jobs 💼 

Checking in on The Job Market 👀 

The biggest threat to America right now… 🤣 

Sales Meme of the Day

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