4 Steps to Winning a Negotiation

A lesson from the FBI

Happy National World Gratitude Day! Today’s the day to call that prospect that opens every one of your emails but never responds, and let them know exactly how much you appreciate them… 🙃 

In today’s Follow Up:

  • How to win your next negotiation 🗣️ 

  • A simple sales tip 💡 

  • Sales on the internet 💻️ 

  • Sales jobs for closers 🤑 

  • LinkedIn, sales meme, & review 😂 

Sales Fact of The Day

Nearly 13% of all the jobs in the U.S. are full time sales positions.
Source: SkilledUp

How to Win Negotiations

Today we’re giving you a sales lesson, FBI style.

That’s right, we’re bringing in the master of negotiation, a terrorist’s worst nightmare, the king of hostage situations.

His name is Chris Voss and he was a member of the FBI crisis negotiation task force for over 20 years and a New York Times best-selling author.

From negotiating with kidnappers to releasing hostages to closing massive deals, the dude knows how to negotiate.

Negotiation is the act of communicating with another party to reach an agreement or resolve a dispute - it’s a basic building block of sales. But you don’t win negotiations by putting on a fake macho man persona or using sleazy sales tactics.

According to Chris, the key to winning a negotiation is to make the other person feel like they have control (when they really don’t).

In negotiations, information = power.

So your goal when negotiating is to obtain as much information as you can → while giving away as little information as possible.

  • Give the other person the illusion of control.

  • Get information > give information.

But how can you do this?

Let’s take a look at the 4 steps 👇️ 

1. Label

In this first step, you’ll make an assumption about the other person’s statement and “label” it.

Typically labels begin with: “It sounds like…” “It seems like…” or “It looks like…”

Prospect: “Can we circle back on this contract again next week before we sign?”

You: “It sounds like there’s something in the contract that you’re still unsure of…”

If you say yes, you give them control of the conversation.
If you say no, you’re going to come off combative.

By labeling it with a “sounds like…” question, you’re now forcing them to provide more information that will help you navigate the negotiation.

2. Effective Pauses

This is the easiest step…

The only thing you have to do here is shut your mouth. For real, that’s it.

Once you’ve responded with your label in the step above, let them answer.

It might get a bit awkward with the silence, but if you wait long enough, they’ll give you your answer.

3. Calibrated Questions

A calibration question is like an open-ended question, but even better. (Chris refuses to use the words open-ended.)

Instead of leaving the question wide open, use “What” and “How” to guide a calibrated question.

“What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing?” or “How do you plan on solving that problem?”

Chris will ask the same exact question in 3 different ways to get even better answers out of his counterpart.

“What’s the biggest challenge you face? What are you up against? What could go wrong here?”

It seems reductive but it helps the other person think, makes the issues 3 dimensional, and gets you better answers.

4. Tone of Voice

The artist’s touch to negotiation.

There are only two demeanors you need in sales:

  • Upbeat & positive = 95% of the time.

  • Confident & firm = 5% of the time.

Smiling is your secret weapon in negotiation. Data shows that our brains work up to 31% more effectively in a positive setting. So when you ask a question with a smile, they’ll give you the answer and enjoy doing it.

But every once in a while, you’ll need to pull out the firm voice. Chris refers to this as the “late-night FM DJ voice”.

When prospects hear this voice they should know they’re in good hands. You’re patient. You don’t talk over the other person. You just say it how it is.

And if they show hesitation with what you say, repeat yourself again, but add a bit of encouragement in your voice. Use a “smile” in your voice to bring them out of their hesitation to your voice of authority and get them back into collaboration mode.

TLDR 4 negotiation tips:

  1. Label your prospect’s question.

  2. Effectively pause after you label.

  3. Ask a calibrated question.

  4. Add the finishing touch with your tone of voice.

Which is your favorite step in negotiation?

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Sales Tip of The Day

Have you ever had a prospect ask you to call them back in a month, only to tell you to call back in another month?

Ask this simple question:

Totally happy to give you a call back in a month…. but if you don’t mind me asking, is it because something related to {insert your product} is happening then, or are you just being super nice to me and don’t want to say no?

If the prospect actually wants the callback, they’ll tell you why it’s a better time. But if they actually have no interest or need for your product, this will save your time and energy.

Sales in the News 🗞️ 

  • The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook took a sales call from a customer looking to upgrade their iPhone, while on a visit to Apple’s campus in Austin, TX.

  • Sales enablement’s job is to increase the sales team's effectiveness, and there are 12 key things they should be focusing on.

  • If you really want a sales job, stop submitting resumes and job applications. Pick up the phone and call the hiring manager.

Cool Jobs at Cool Companies 🤑 

Checking in on LinkedIn ✍️ 

Just stop being unhappy 🤯😂 

Sales Meme of the Day

Reader Review of The Day ✍️

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